An Overwhelming Pile of Rubbish
My husband has been busy building and improving on our new unit in the country. During this process much rubbish has accumulated. Most of it was packaging of much needed materials to help build the unit. All of this rubbish had a purpose for a period of time and during the stage of building we were up to. When that part of the job was complete materials that were used were no longer beneficial or useful for the ongoing building of the unit. The pile over a long period of time grew quite large and became overwhelming to look at. Hubby suggested we clean it up and take it to the tip. I was not over excited about doing this task but agreed it would be a good thing. It was quite surprising in working together the pile shrunk very quickly. We found some surprises on the way of precious things that needed to be saved from the rubbish as they still have a valuable use. After piling up the trailer, off to the tip it went. On arrival there were workers that offered guidance and support as to where the rubbish needs to place.
This is not unlike establishing a stepfamily. There is much excitement to begin with as we plan and design what we wish for our family. Issues arise that can be easily pushed aside as to not rock the boat, or they just were not obvious to us at the time. The pile of challenging issues can overwhelm us. What is in that pile may have been beneficial in your previous family system and is no longer helpful now in establishing your stepfamily. Trying to ignore its presence is difficult to do when the pile gets in the way of moving forward on your family journey. Addressing these issues is so important and understanding where they belong or don’t belong in yours and your family’s life. Getting support from others that give you the guidance and tools to put these issues in a place where they do not interfere in moving forward is very helpful. Our shed is looking much tidier but not perfect. We will always be a work in progress. What we will look out for is not letting that pile get too big again and to face the obstacles as they show up as a team. If you would like to learn more or seek support in your stepfamily journey, please get in touch with me via email or phone.